Saturday, November 16, 2013

Let the recycling begin!

Mercedes delivered the storage containers for our collected recyclables in mid-October, and we could officially begin our recycling program!  Environmental science students delivered a "plastic" bin and a "paper" bin to every classroom in the school.  The environmental science classes pick up the collected recyclables every Thursday.

"It's apparent that a lot of trash is generated every day at Brookwood High School.  After only two weeks of collecting paper and plastic from each classroom, our storage containers were completely full!  I'm proud that students and faculty at BHS are all doing their part to help the environment by recycling what they can." - Ms. Barringer, Environmental Science Teacher and Green Team Advisor

Environmental Science students, pictured left to right - Malynda Hancock, KeAndre Richardson, Billie Baham, Tristan Dunn, and Justin Beck,  pose for a picture with Officer Hamner while making their rounds on the first Recycling Pick-Up Day.
When he's not leading the BHS football team as quarterback, DeVonta Jenkins does his part to help with the school recycling program;  Green Team Service Project Coordinators, Jessica Box and Abbie Patterson, pose for a picture with classmate, Joseph Beal, while delivering recyclables to the storage bins; Brandon Stone and Bailey Bunn emptying the plastic bottles before sorting them into the storage bin.

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